Please complete this form to register for a new Auth account, please be aware that you are required to confirm your email account so please use a valid address.

Problematic Providers

In addition, some providers maybe blocked form Auth due to their draconian spam detection routines, which has flagged this server numerous times for no reason. These include AT&T services, Cox, and a few other mainland US ISPs. If you have a Google Mail account please consider using that instead of your ISP email account.


If you have multiple eve accounts, simply add the EVE API keys to your Auth account. DO NOT create a new Auth account for each EVE Account you have, this will piss off the sysadmins. The fee for not heeding this warning is a $10 donation to charity.

Required. 30 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.
Enter the same password as before, for verification.